Daylilies in My Garden

  • Post published:06/29/2024
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Pink with Ruffles

Finally – I am finding beautiful daylilies in my garden. There are so many colors and shades.

Brilliant Yellow

My brilliant gold is a lovely flower. Each of these flowers will melt quickly, but there are more to show off over the days.

Purple and Gold

The heart of these flowers shine brilliantly.

Mauve with Ruffles

These daylilies haveĀ  gold at their hearts.

Red and Flame

The brilliance of this flower just stuns me.

Shade of Purple

There is a richness of this flower, and it is just beginning.

My garden of Daylilies has only begun to bloom, and every day I walk through the paths. I enjoy the pleasures of form and color. I am lucky to have this wonderful space.



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